Anxiety And Depression


Anxiety is a condition in which one feels worried about something; it can be anything like deadlines or stage fear. Depression is a condition in which one feels sad or loses interest even in daily activities. Both Anxiety and Depression are a type of mental disorders. Everyone in life faces challenges and also feels lost at times, due to which one might feel like a loser but when this feeling persists for a long time or that feeling gets worse than it is time to consult an ayurvedic expert for Depression. People suffering from anxiety or depression may have a constant fear or be disturbed about certain circumstances. Depression or anxiety can lead to physical symptoms, in such situation you can avail benefit of onlineayurvedic consultation for anxiety or depression. Depression is a medical condition which, if not treated on time can also result into suicide, Prompt action can prove to a boon to the patient. Treating depression and anxiety not only improves their mental health but physical health, It helps them in giving time and importance to other major concerns in their life, so consulting a doctor is beneficial


  • Supplement Deficiency
  • Menopause
  • Old age
  • Over weight unhealthy lifestyle
  • Genetic history


  • Multiple Joint pain
  • Swelling of joints
  • Redness of joints
  • Impaired walking
  • Muscular pain morning stiffness